On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan, China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for ‘virus,’ and ‘D’ for disease. Formerly,…
Information rules:
The U.S. is being attacked digitally by our enemies. Follow the rules of information security. 1: Never click on links in email or text if you can’t verify who sent them. 2: Never answer a phone call unless you are positive it came from someone you know. They should leave VM.
D.C. Partisanship is hurting the global population
The House of Representatives continues to pass legislation to stop the outrageous inflation caused by the Administration and the U.S. Senate. We could increase the production of domestic energy, which would provide fuel for everyone at a lower price. Outrageous fuel prices are the cause of higher prices. Paying attention to the atmosphere is important,…
No Comment!
All my life, the more I learned, the more I wanted to learn. I also wanted to help people when I could. In today’s world those no longer appear to be valid goals. Today’s world is apparently a me first world. I am only inhalfway.
2022 Mid-Term Election
Yesterday was election day. Millions voted. Now we argue about who won for months. Like most other devices with digital chips, our election machine manufacturers must buy chips from Chinese sources. Does that concern you? We should get our chip manufacturers back manufacturing digital chipsets in America for Made-in-America products.
Who is in charge?
After over half a decade of intense bickering, our globe still seems to be confused. What do we do if aliens ask us to show us our leader? What can we do to clear up this confusion? Inhalfway
Climate non-thinkers
I just heard that California is outlawing the use of natural gas in cooking. Has everyone in California gone completely nuts, or is it just the ignorant politicians? What will America do without a gradual switch from fossil fuels to not-yet invented methods to generate electricity? Will California and other unthinking states completely collapse the…
Where is the truth?
Everything on TV these days is presented as reality. Do you think it is actually exploitation, media exaggeration, and money-grabbing advertising? Are you unnerved when the only news reported is bad news? Where is the good news? Where is the truth? How and when will things get better if most things we see are lies?
Celebrity Athletes
I recently noticed many athletes are wearing their hair so long it covers up their name on the back of their jersey. I once had long hair until I got older and it started thinning, but I eventually realized if my hair was so long it covered my name on the back of my jersey,…
Media Profits
The news media’s and the politicians constantly stirring the cauldron of hate for more viewers and readers is criminally taking advantage of our constitutional rights to freedom of speech. We must punish those media outlets so they stop exploiting our citizen’s feelings and inciting riots in the name of their profits. There is no absence…