Covid and politicians make it difficult to get new experienced employees.

It is hard to get experienced help these days because of Covid-19, 20, 21, and 22 so the training rookies get is usually inadequate and done by someone other than the physicians and nurses. We have had similar issues with a few physicians and the pharmacy we have used for 20 years. We simply log in to their patient portal and cancel everything. It can be difficult finding a good family practitioner, but we have had the same one for almost 20 years. The medical staff is great, but the support staff and I have had heated discussions similar to your experience about similar issues you describe. In one instance, I asked one of the non-medical support staff if they had any idea who ultimately pays their salary and told her boss she needed training. She is still at the front desk but has not messed with us since. With SARS-2 mutating daily, nobody wants to work in healthcare, and the resignations of healthcare professionals at some corporate healthcare groups don’t help. Our family doctor when I was growing up, Carl Osborn, did everything except major surgery. Family practitioners are in such short supply, they frequently can only refer you to a specialist. The executives who run healthcare companies are spreadsheet bottom line profit people instead of healthcare professionals. I refuse to go to some local healthcare groups because they are practicing healthcare by spreadsheet, not by traditional values. Our family doctor changed from one because of being called on the carpet and threatened because of taking too much time per patient. He left that group, and his new group has associates who meet the needs of their patients except when staff shortages rush things up. They then get back to you by phone or by portal after normal hours to see if there is anything else they can do to help.

How can America be all in with this? I am inhalfway!

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