In politics you spin to win!


I offer this to folks who seem to be logical members of the American “Silent Majority”. If you are heavily liberal or conservative, you will find things in this article you do not agree with because of your own beliefs. My first question to disbelievers is do you believe because you have found the truth, or do you believe because someone has told you how to believe? Our current society has evolved into a digitally dominated source of spin.

First, let me say, I find almost all politicians disgusting and I have never liked Donald Trump’s personality, arrogance and exaggerations. Like most reality TV series, Trump’s TV show “The Apprentice” was nothing more than disgusting exploitation of the participants. I have not changed my mind since he became President. I will never forget a close friend’s comment to me before the 2016 election: “With over 300 million citizens in the U.S., how did we end up with these two losers as our choices in the Presidential election”. It now appears we will again be in the same position with Trump and a new group of losers in the 2020 election. I have always thought we only get to vote for the candidate we find least offensive.

In the political spin contest, Trump and his staff of publicity and ad managers win the spin competition. Are the other D.C. politicians and bureaucrats jealous and scrambling to catch up because they don’t have, and never have had, the benefit of the many professional spinners? Trump hired the Madison Avenue yahoos he and his family have employed since long before he became President to put a positive light on his gaffs. His administration is filled with experts instead of career politicians and bureaucrats. Consequently, they have created some new and interesting ways to govern. Our economy is the best I have seen in a long time and unemployment is at modern lows for everyone that wants a job. Unfortunately, every time this administration does something good for America, Trump poisons the good things with a poorly thought-out fabrication or Tweet.  Does he say and send these Tweets that make even his supporters cringe because he is unaware of what “Silent Majority” deplorables find acceptable behavior, or is it a plan from him and his publicity managers to keep his name the number one topic in even the Fake News media? How many times have you heard “He is his own worst enemy”? Considering the spinmeisters on both sides of the political spectrum, how can we believe either side of current issues or any other politically charged issue in the future? My wife thinks all politicians spin or outright lie about at least 50% of everything they say publicly for their own benefit. I think she is being generous with that low percentage. Convicted and incarcerated lobbyist Jack Abramoff says 100% of D.C. politicians accept campaign contributions funneled through lobbyists. Here is a fact, lobbyists grease the wheels of unfair advantage when they contribute to candidates from both sides of the aisle. Ask yourself if you agree. Abramoff’s view is a campaign contribution from a lobbyist is legalized bribery authorized by congress. Do you agree? Is universal deception our society’s current paradigm? Are we all lemmings following our prejudiced ideals to calamity?

As a bored retired guy, I have the time to watch several sources of “news” during my day that I never had time to watch when I was working 8 -18 hour days. In the past, I always scanned the local newspaper and watched the local and network national news after work. Because I spend time searching for some truth, a few of my friends and family members think I have too much time on my hands. I recently watched the Judicial House committee’s interview of the current Director of Intelligence; Joseph McGuire and I have read every word of both the phone transcript and the whistleblower report. Those documents are readily available to anyone that can read them. Watching what is said on the various media shows and in congressional hearings shows me they mostly haven’t read the transcript or report. After all, our elected D.C. politicians and bureaucrats are so busy with the mismanagement of our government, they don’t have time for such frivolous adventures as fact-checking. As usual, Adam Schiff spun the words from both the released transcript and the whistleblower report. Do you think he really read the documents? His opening remarks to General Mcguire in the hearing seem to indicate he didn’t. Naturally, the liberal media reporters and their “paid contributors” have only quoted Schiff’s spin. Our current news media has very little regard for the truth these days. In the Judicial committee’s hearing, Schiff presented his spun-up statements as if they were said by Trump. Read the documents and you should see Schiff’s version has nothing to do with the official transcript of the phone call and the whistleblower’s report. The conservative media usually has a view closer to mine, but they spin the stories too. Does anyone really think the Trump team is telling us the total truth about this phone conversation or anything else for that matter? By the way, would you be disturbed to find out the released written transcript is not word for word the same as the recording of the actual conversation? Did the Trump admin really move the original recording to a top-secret server as the news media and Democrats claim? Can you see how something like that could easily be seen by a logical observer as an attempt to obstruct justice? Are we to believe the normal server for Presidential phone recordings is not a top secret? That disturbs me. Is anyone reminded of the Nixon tapes and redacted transcripts of his oval office recordings? Do you remember someone deleted parts of those recordings? I also worry a bad precedent may have been set with the release of this “transcript”. Are future diplomatic discussions among world leaders compromised when foreign leaders see their private conversations are not being kept secret by the President of the U.S.?

Was the whistleblower’s report trumped up (pun intended) by Adam Schiff and his spin-staffers? It appears to have possibly been written by a committee of liberal partisan lawyers. The footnotes are interesting but total legalese nonsense. Most importantly to me, the author(s) admit everything in the whistleblower report is hearsay and from unidentified sources. How many unidentified sources were contributors before someone’s legal staff spun up the final report, and what’s this story about the Whistleblower rules being changed to protect the guilty? Whoever the person or group that initiated this report covered their butts from perjury by admitting in the report multiple times they were not the people who heard the live phone conversation. This fiasco reminds me of when we used to play rumors in church youth fellowship on Sunday night. Nothing was ever the same at the end of the whisper line as the original rumor by the time it passed through several people. I wonder who was paying the lawyer authors?  Was the author an intelligence officer? Was it the DNC? Was it Schiff? Was it Trump’s publicity agents? Was this a political fabrication? Who knows where the author(s) got their info? This is not the first attempt recently to hurt political opponents. Today, it seems to have been decided the 2016 Steele dossier Comey used to spy on “Trumpers” using the FISA rules was totally contrived and was commissioned by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to create doubt in the American electorate about Trump. This whistleblower report smells the same to me. Does anyone believe the 44 Presidents before Trump never used “pressure”, withheld foreign aid or spread false information to influence foreign leaders? Historically our military, intelligence services, and law enforcement’s greatest tools have been deceptions. Confusion, trickery, delay, and the legal cost to defend yourself against false allegations have become the American legal industry’s best tools.

Regrettably, most Americans will never read or understand either of these documents. Have you asked yourself why there are so many accusations of “Fake News”? Is it because the news media is losing its audience to a vast array of biased competitors? Today’s news media model is “clicks and ratings”. Sensation, bad news, and misery have always sold more products than the truth, so the truth is difficult to sell to media corporate executives. To keep their jobs, “journalists” may be forced to use confusion, tricks, exaggeration, and spin to scoop their competition. News media companies use sensationalism to grow their market share. The legacy network print and radio news sources are quickly losing financial income in today’s version of the “Fourth Estate” because of the Internet and other digital media there is more competition for Time Warner, The Walt Disney Corporation, Viacom, News Corporation, CBS Corporation and Comcast who own the vast majority of legacy news sources.  In 1983 90% of U.S. media was owned by 50 companies. Now 90% of U.S. media are controlled by 6 giant corporations. Those six are rapidly acquiring the new Internet Dot Com news popups as soon as they create a little competition for the giants. I like this definition of the Fourth Estate from the Webster dictionary: Check this document from Pew research to see where Americans get their news today: Last weekend I watched several Sunday News Shows, and Adam Schiff says the Whistleblower will testify to the intelligence committee “soon” in a secret session to protect his identity. It seems the word “soon” in Congress means in the next 6 – 12 months. For me, it would be nice if anything Adam Schiff said turned out to be true. I will believe the whistleblower testified when I hear intelligence committee members from both political parties say he came and testified. How long will it be before we know the identity of the whistleblower?

Considering today’s absence of political truth, the only way we can punish the Swamp for wasting our time and money is to limit their terms in office or fire them after their first term. Preventing their constant reelection may be our only weapon against their rapidly learned greed for celebrity, power, and money.  Do you have an estimate of what percentage of U.S. citizens had a clue about the corruption in our elected officials before Trump was elected, created chaos in D.C. and exposed the waste, fraud, collusion, and conspiracy. Were you aware of the power of the House Speaker and the Senate Majority leader to hold up votes on legislation? Our government is broken but needs to be tweaked not replaced with Socialism or some other government flavor of the week.

Sometimes I wish I had listened to my mom and become a lawyer and politician so I could lie, cheat and steal and get away with it.

I am not all in with what is happening in the U.S.

I am inhalfway

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